Phillies Baseball Player Helps Young Boy Find His Family Before the Game

Photo: Twitter
The crowds of a major league baseball game can be overwhelming, especially for children. When 7-year-old Caleb was at the Philadelphia Phillies stadium last weekend, he got separated from his family, which understandably caused the young boy to break down in tears. Unsure of who to turn to, little Caleb was fortunately approached by Phillies right fielder Bryce Harper. The baseball player kindly helped him find his brothers and grandmother.
A video shared on Twitter shows the MLB star sitting side by side with the teary-eyed child as the rest of the crowd looks on. Caleb is clearly panicking at the beginning, but Harper continues to talk to him in a calm manner and asks where he was sitting with his family earlier. “Seven-year-old Caleb was upset that he got separated from his two brothers, so Bryce Harper went into dad mode,” NBCS Philly reporter Taryn Hatcher writes.
Fortunately, Caleb was quickly reunited with the rest of his family and was able to enjoy the rest of the game. “Update from Caleb's grandmom, Diane, there were smiles after all,” Hatcher adds. Not only did Harper take a selfie with Caleb's brothers and grandmother, but he also made the day much more exciting by hitting a home run and helping the Phillies win 9-6 against the Kansas City Royals.
Phillies baseball player Bryce Harper helps a 7-year-old find his family before the game.
7year old Caleb was upset that he got separated from his two brothers, so @bryceharper went into dad mode
— Taryn Hatcher (@TarynNBCS) August 5, 2023
Update from Caleb’s grandmom, Diane, there were smiles after all.
— Taryn Hatcher (@TarynNBCS) August 5, 2023
h/t: [Complex]
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READ: Phillies Baseball Player Helps Young Boy Find His Family Before the Game
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