Man Travels Across Japan With a GPS Tracker To Create a 4,000-Mile Marriage Proposal

Photo: Screenshot from YouTube
There are all different types of marriage proposals, including everything from very intimate moments to huge gestures in front of hundreds or thousands of people. With such variety in ways to propose, it can be difficult to be creative; however, one man in Japan did something truly epic to ask his girlfriend to marry him—he traveled across his native country to pop the question with the help of Google Earth. The result was the message “Marry Me” and a heart with an arrow through it drawn on a map of Japan with the use of a GPS tracker.
The monumental romantic gesture was produced by Yasushi Takahashi, aka Yassan, who first came up with the proposal idea in 2008. After planning the route, he quit his job and spent six months driving around and exploring places he had never been to before. When he was done, he uploaded the data to Google Earth and saw his message come alive in bright yellow letters, along with a heart of the island of Hokkaido. Needless to say, the ambitious romantic's partner, Natsuki, said yes. But the story doesn't end there. This incredible journey leading to that one binding word opened up new paths for Yassan.
The amorous adventurer's elaborate proposal was then recognized by the Guinness World Records as the largest GPS drawing done by an individual, a record he still holds to this day. The GWR states: “The largest GPS drawing is 7,163.67 km (4,451 miles) long and was created by Yasushi Takahashi (Japan), in Japan, on 9 June 2010.”
Now, the creator regularly roams cities around the world to produce city-sized drawings. According to his website, Yassan is a “professional GPS artist with more than 1,400 artworks” and has drawn over more than 100,000 kilometers (about 62,137 miles) in 24 countries. “I regard GPS art as ‘a tool for experiencing local history and culture,'” he states. “By moving, I draw something, and at the same time, I come into contact with history and culture, deepening my understanding of the region.”
If you want to stay up to date with Yassan and his GPS art, you can follow him on Instagram.
Yasushi Takahashi, aka Yassan, proposed to his girlfriend with the help of GPS art. He traveled all over Japan to spell the message “Marry me” on Google Earth.

Photo: Screenshot from YouTube
This inspired him to become a GPS artist, and now he has traveled the world to produce city-sized drawings.
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本日のコース案は、#横田基地 周辺に描く #マッカーサー の肖像画🐮✨
ちゃんボビ @CHAN_BOBBY さん、実走ありがとうございました🏃😍詳細🗺 #stravaart #gpsart #GPSアート #GPSラン #ランニングアート #GPS絵画 #お絵かきラン #アイデア募集中
— Yassan 🛰 GPS Drawing Artist (@Yassan_GPS) February 6, 2021
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— Yassan 🛰 GPS Drawing Artist (@Yassan_GPS) April 25, 2022
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豊島区大塚と文京区大塚、両方の大塚をまたいで描けます🏃✨ #stravaart #gpsart #GPSアート #GPSラン #ランニングアート #GPS絵画 #お絵かきラン #アイデア募集中— Yassan 🛰 GPS Drawing Artist (@Yassan_GPS) October 18, 2022
本日の #干支ラン は、福井市 #福井縣護國神社 に描く虎のコース案🐯
曲がり角多めですが観光にもおすすめです🏃👍✨詳細🗺 #stravaart #gpsart #GPSアート #GPSラン #ランニングアート #GPS絵画 #お絵かきラン #アイデア募集中 @FurattoKanazawa
— Yassan 🛰 GPS Drawing Artist (@Yassan_GPS) December 14, 2021
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京都伏見は、梅雨に似合うコースが多いですね🐸🐌✨詳細🗺 #stravaart #gpsart #GPSアート #GPSラン #ランニングアート #GPS絵画 #アイデア募集中 @fujinomori505
— Yassan 🛰 GPS Drawing Artist (@Yassan_GPS) June 22, 2021
🏃🚶🏃走って地元を応援 #GPS絵画 コース案🚶🏃🚶
都心に描いた #ゴジラ のコース🦖
映画ロケ地を網羅してるので、走って聖地巡礼もできちゃう😆✨コース詳細👉 #stravaart #gpsart #GPSアート #GPSラン #ランニングアート @chibigodzi @godzilla_jp #ゴジRUN
— Yassan 🛰 GPS Drawing Artist (@Yassan_GPS) October 6, 2020
本日のコース案は、神田に描く #リラックマ のコース🐻
#gpsdrawing #stravaart #gpsart #GPSアート #GPSラン #ランニングアート #GPS絵画 #お絵かきラン @rilakkuma_gyr— Yassan 🛰 GPS Drawing Artist (@Yassan_GPS) December 26, 2020
本日の #あじさいスポット に描く #お絵かきラン は、茨城県潮来市 #二本松寺 のコース🐌✨ 霞ケ浦も一望できて観光向け⛵
詳細🗺 #stravaart #gpsart #GPSアート #GPSラン #ランニングアート #GPS絵画 #アイデア募集中 @nihonmatsuji201 @itako_city_offi
— Yassan 🛰 GPS Drawing Artist (@Yassan_GPS) May 18, 2021
本日の #こいのぼりスポット に描く #お絵かきラン は、#あべのハルカス に描くコース🎏✨ 地上高300mのビルに泳ぐ300匹🎏
詳細🗺 #stravaart #gpsart #GPSアート #GPSラン #ランニングアート #GPS絵画 #アイデア募集中 @abenoharukas #ハルカスこいのぼり
— Yassan 🛰 GPS Drawing Artist (@Yassan_GPS) April 21, 2021
毎年恒例となった #干支ラン コース案、更新中です🐰🐇✨ ぜひ挑戦くださいませ🏃🏃🏃
全都道府県の #初詣スポット を押さえました⛩️🛕 #stravaart #gpsart #GPSアート #お絵かきラン #GPSラン #ランニングアート #GPS絵画 #アイデア募集中— Yassan 🛰 GPS Drawing Artist (@Yassan_GPS) December 10, 2022
Learn more about this epic proposal in the video below.
Yasushi “Yassan” Takahashi: Website | Twitter | Instagram
h/t: [Upworthy]
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