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Sir David Attenborough Makes ”Urgent Final Plea” for the Future of Our Planet

Sir David Attenborough Makes ”Urgent Final Plea” for the Future of Our Planet

Sir David Attenborough Looks at the Camera and Makes ‘Final’ Haunting Plea for the Future of Our Planet

Photo: Screenshot from YouTube

Sir David Attenborough has dedicated his life to environmental research and conservation, making him a household name around the world. After winning the Champions of the Earth Lifetime Achievement Award earlier this year, the 96-year-old was back on the screen as the host of Frozen Planet II, a BBC-produced documentary series about the fragility of the polar ecosystems. At the end of the final episode, Attenborough looked straight into the camera to send an urgent message about the state the planet, which viewers perceived as his final plea.

Despite making previous calls on documentary series he has starred in, such as Blue Planet and Planet Earth, the message felt more poignant as it was preceded by heartbreaking images of melting icecaps, and penguins and polar bears facing increasingly hostile conditions. “Recently, at COP26, 120 nations came together in an effort to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees,” Attenborough begins his closing remarks. “While a 1.5-degree rise will still bring significant changes with it, to stand any chance of saving what remains of our frozen planet and saving ourselves from the devastating consequences of its loss, we must stick to this commitment, and honor it no matter how challenging it might be.”

However, his message reaches its most desperate point at the end, as the nonagenarian pleads, “We can do it. It's within our power to do it. We can do it. We must do it. Then there will be a future for the planet.”

After the final episode aired, viewers expressed how they were moved to tears by Attenborough's warning, while others said they felt scared for what's yet to come. One Twitter user says, “The final episode of #FrozenPlanet2 should be essential viewing for every single person. It should be on every school curriculum. Every workplace should mandate that everyone watches it. It's that important.”

You can watch Attenborough's plea for the future below.

At the end of the documentary series Frozen Planet II, Sir David Attenborough made an urgent plea for the future of the planet. “We must do it. Then there will be a future for the planet.”

Sir David Attenborough Looks at the Camera and Makes ‘Final’ Haunting Plea for the Future of Our Planet

Photo: Screenshot from YouTube

The plea moved viewers to tears.

Watch Attenborough's powerful plea for the future of our planet:

Sir David Attenborough: Instagram
h/t: [Yorkshire Live]

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READ: Sir David Attenborough Makes ”Urgent Final Plea” for the Future of Our Planet

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