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Pawtrolling Pooch Named “Sausage” Helps Pedestrians Cross the Road Every Day

Pawtrolling Pooch Named “Sausage” Helps Pedestrians Cross the Road Every Day

In Batumi, Adjara, Georgia, it is widely accepted that a stray dog named Kupata (meaning “Sausage”) is the unofficial mascot of the town. Named a cult figure by locals, Kupata is known for helping pedestrians cross the road by putting himself in harm's way.

A video posted in early 2020 shows how Kupata, with all his small mightiness, protects citizens. The video starts on a group of children who are already in the middle of the road as a white van speeds past them. Kupata heroically runs in front of the group to bark at the driver. The pooch then continues on, side-by-side with the group. He slowly walks with them to ensure the rest of their passage is safe.

Another video shows some of his other daring, fearless efforts to protect walkers. Kupata, barking passionately, runs alongside a car that did not stop to let walkers go. The pooch then runs back to the crosswalk to help guide another bunch of small children. Seeing that a driver was continually inching toward the group, Kupata plants himself directly in front of the van. He barks with all his might, letting the driver know that they can be patient for just a few more moments. The driver stops, but then starts inching forward again. Kupata defiantly runs towards the van, warning the driver to stop with his loud bark. Many other videos of the local hero showcase the same talents and techniques.

Kupata’s online presence feels like a collage created by an avid fan of a celebrity. His Instagram, created by Beqa Tsinadze, has over 37,000 followers and is filled with community-compiled images of the pup with adoring fans, many of them being children. Kupata “[loves] children so much that [he is] always worried about their safety,” according to an Instagram caption. Tsinadze says that Kupata thinks “they smell lovely…and they love to scratch [him].”

Many works of art have been created by fans in his honor, from paintings to animations. In June 2020, Kupata was immortalized in a mural on a building adjacent to the intersection he typically works at. The street portrait was painted by artist George Gamez in collaboration with the Bank of Georgia. With all this fame and adoration, it's safe to say Kupata solidified his spot in Georgian history.

You can keep up with Kupata’s pawtrolling on Instagram and Facebook.

A stray dog named Kupata (meaning “Sausage”) is known as the unofficial mascot of Batumi, Adjara, Georgia, for his protection of pedestrians.

The pooch valiantly runs into traffic to ensure the safe passage of walkers, barking passionately at drivers who endanger pedestrians.

Georgians can find him also interacting with his fans, many of them being children.

Kupata protects citizens every day, no matter how small they are!

The pawtrolling pooch has gained a lot of fame across the world. His instagram account showcases all the fan art that has been created in his honor.

Artist George Gamez, in collaboration with the Bank of Georgia, even created a mural on a building adjacent to where Kupata is normally seen working.

It’s safe to say that Kupata has solidified his spot in Georgian history as a hero to the people.

Kupata: Instagram | Facebook
h/t: [BoredPanda]

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READ: Pawtrolling Pooch Named “Sausage” Helps Pedestrians Cross the Road Every Day

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