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Kind Man Has Passed Out Over $13,000 in Ones and Fives To Complete Strangers Since 2014

Kind Man Has Passed Out Over $13,000 in Ones and Fives To Complete Strangers Since 2014

Any single act of kindness can have a ripple effect, leading to people paying it forward in ways we couldn't have even imagined. When Kevin Cate, owner of political media consulting firm CATECOMM, encountered a man who has made acts of kindness into a habit, quietly touching thousands of lives over the past several years, he decided to share the story with the world.

While Cate was dining at a Waffle House in Midway, Florida, he noticed an elderly gentleman attaching dollar bills to small, handmade notes. Intrigued, he stopped to say hello, and asked the man what he was doing. The man explained that he was passing out $1 and $5 bills to strangers, something he's been doing since 2014. He gives them away to the people he meets at Waffle House, his favorite restaurant, but elsewhere as well.

The man wasn't only passing out cash, though—he also shares a message of selfless kindness with each person who receives it. A handmade note with three simple words—”Love Every Body”—is attached to each banknote. “He told me those were the last words his mother said to him,” says Cate. The man told him, “She didn't say ‘I love you.' She said ‘love every body.' So that's what I'm doing. Loving every body.”

What's especially inspiring about his acts of kindness is his consistency. He copies and cuts out a batch of notes every few days, then goes out and finds people to personally hand the gifts to, and he's been doing it for eight years running. According to his calculations, the anonymous man has given away over $13,000 thus far.

Certainly, there are people who have received his gift just when they needed it most, and it's an act of kindness that inspires people to pay it forward, however they can. In fact, even the Twitter thread Cate shared is now full of people's stories of giving and receiving kindness, interactions that impacted them in a powerful way. “I was really struggling as a single mom hadn’t eaten anything in 3 days ended up passing out at work from hunger just shook it off with my coworkers,” shared one woman. “The homeless guy who worked in the warehouse must have caught on. He was living at the shelter. He started bringing me sandwiches.”

Another woman spoke of her brother, who is more than 25 years sober and owns a large building company. “He meets people at AA, hires them for all kinds of extra jobs,” she shared. “They can make as many mistakes as it takes, he hires them back over and over. We've gotten to know many of them over the years, a privilege.”

The story, and the response to it, is a reminder of the ripple effect of kindness. “Lastly, while he was alone, clearly his mom’s love is still with him,” Cate adds. “And now all of us.”

When Kevin Cate came across an elderly gentleman attaching notes to dollar bills in a Florida Waffle House, he stopped to ask him what he was doing.

Attached to each bill is a note that reads, “Love Every Body,” which were his mother's last words to him. “That's what I'm doing,” he told Cate. “Loving every body.”

The tweets received an overwhelming number of replies, leading Cate to add one last tweet.

Now, the Twitter thread is filled with stories of giving and receiving kindness that impacted people's lives.

It is a reminder of the ripple effect of kindness.

h/t: [Upworthy]

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READ: Kind Man Has Passed Out Over $13,000 in Ones and Fives To Complete Strangers Since 2014

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