Owl Whose Own Eggs Didn’t Hatch Adopts Two Orphaned Owlets
Luna the owl has wanted to be a mom for a long time, but the affectionate bird hasn’t had the best of luck. Over the last two years, she’s tried—with little success—to start a family of her own. “Not only did her eggs fail to hatch this year, but she also lost her clutch last year,” says British wildlife artist and rehabilitator Robert E. Fuller, explaining Luna’s difficult journey to motherhood.
The rescued tawny owl was raised at the Fotherdale Farm by other owls who fostered her back in 2017. At the farm, Fuller regularly places orphaned or lost owlets into tawny owl nests so that the mature adults can care for the vulnerable young, as the owl’s natural urge to nurture and protect is quite strong. Now, it seems to be Luna’s time to return the favor. Recently, Fuller learned of two orphaned owlets needing care, and he instantly thought Luna would be the perfect candidate to rehabilitate and care for the tiny creatures.
“This means that after a long wait, Luna the tawny owl is finally a mum,” Fuller shares.
After Fuller placed the two rescued chicks in her nest, a hidden nest camera captured Luna’s first interaction with her new young. There was some worry that the bird might not accept the new owlets; but according to the footage, all such worries were unwarranted. The heartwarming clip shows the motherly owl instantly taking to the two chicks and quickly enfolding them about with her wings. Luna was clearly ecstatic to have two baby owls to care for.
After a few weeks together, the three of them are thriving. And it seems that the new mother owl is loving every second with her babies. “Tawny owl mum, Luna, is so tender with her foster chicks,” Fuller shared in a recent update, where the mother bird can be seen snuggling and grooming her two owlets with her wings wrapped firmly around them.
At last, it seems Luna got her happy ending; and she and her new owlets couldn’t be happier. To keep up with their progress, you can watch a live stream of the owl foster family on Fuller’s YouTube channel.
Luna the tawny owl has wanted to be a mother for a while, and her first interaction with two orphaned owlets is so heartwarming.
The owl foster family has been together for weeks now, and the chicks are thriving under Luna's tender care.
Robert E. Fuller: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube
h/t: [The Dodo]
All images via Robert E. Fuller.
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