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Beautiful Photos Capture Red Foxes in Moments of Warm Affection

Beautiful Photos Capture Red Foxes in Moments of Warm Affection

Fox Portraits by Roeselien Raimond

There are many misconceptions about foxes, and wildlife photographer Roeselien Raimond hopes to prove at least some of them wrong with her ongoing series of fox portraits. Her latest batch proves that while foxes are solitary hunters, they also have affectionate relationships with their family members. These charming photographs capture foxes, young and old, nuzzling in moments of tenderness.

Based in the Netherlands, Raimond has been trekking in nature to photograph foxes for over 10 years. While she has learned a great deal about their demeanor and can read most of their body language, she still discovers new facts about these animals each time she ventures outside to study them. “Foxes are highly intelligent animals with a mind of their own, they have a whole range of behaviors and personal choices,” Raimond explains to My Modern Met. “They continuously adapt to circumstances we might not be aware of, which makes it really hard to predict them.”

Most people believe that foxes are solitary creatures. Raimond clarifies that while this applies to the way they hunt, it does not reflect their social lives. “It's said that a male and female fox bond for life, and from what I've seen this may well be true,” she tells My Modern Met. “I have seen many foxes pair up and share a territory that is mainly defended by the female(s). [In] spare moments, they wash and hug each other.” The photos depict pairs of foxes who are presumably related in some way, cuddling each other around the ears and neck.

“Family ties are very strong. Daughters from a ‘previous marriage' help raise the new cubs by playing with them, bringing them food, and teaching them how to hunt,” Raimond continues. “Sometimes these grown daughters stay with their mothers for years to learn all of the necessary skills.” While we may not know the precise relation of the foxes shown in the photographs, it is clear that they share a special bond and want to express their love for each other through physical touch. “Siblings sometimes continue to socialize well into adulthood. And even within these relationships, there is still a lot of affection.”

You can purchase prints via Raimond's website and keep up to date with her latest photographs by following the artist on Instagram.

Dutch photographer Roeselien Raimond has made a name for herself photographing red foxes.

Fox Portraits by Roeselien Raimond

Her latest series captures foxes in moments of physical affection.

Fox Portraits by Roeselien Raimond

Each pair of foxes nuzzles closely, strengthening their bond to one another.

Fox Portraits by Roeselien RaimondFox Portraits by Roeselien RaimondFox Portraits by Roeselien RaimondFox Portraits by Roeselien RaimondFox Portraits by Roeselien Raimond

Even though foxes are mostly known as lone predators, these photos reveal a different side.

Fox Portraits by Roeselien RaimondFox Portraits by Roeselien RaimondFox Portraits by Roeselien Raimond

Foxes have a social side filled with loving, tender moments.

Fox Portraits by Roeselien RaimondFox Portraits by Roeselien RaimondFox Portraits by Roeselien RaimondFox Portraits by Roeselien RaimondFox Portraits by Roeselien RaimondFox Portraits by Roeselien RaimondFox Portraits by Roeselien RaimondFox Portraits by Roeselien Raimond

Roeselien Raimond: Website | Facebook | Instagram

My Modern Met granted permission to feature photos by Roeselien Raimond.

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