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Photographer Captures the Perfect Moment When a Bunch of Snow Falls on a Tiger’s Head

Photographer Captures the Perfect Moment When a Bunch of Snow Falls on a Tiger’s Head

Tiger With Snow on Its Head

Although big cats like Siberian tigers can be intimidating, there also are times when they look more like comedians than predators. A Japanese photographer known as Riku has captured sight of one of these creatures as it met its match with a bunch of snow. In a series of four images taken at the Asahiyama Zoo in the Hokkaido prefecture, the tiger is seen nearly touching a tree branch weighed down by the fluffy, icy powder. Presumably, the creature tapped the branch with its snout which caused all of the snow to shake off and land atop its head.

Riku snapped each photo in perfect succession. First, there is the tiger enjoying a bit of winter magic. Then, we see the snow begin to hit the big cat right between the eyes and on its snout. The third photo shows the powder fully falling over its face and the final image—arguably the funniest one—is of the tiger looking like, “I can’t believe that just happened.”

Siberian tigers thrive in cold temperatures and snowy conditions, but even that much powder can be an unwelcome surprise. If you need any more proof, just check out a photo of the big cat after it shook most of the snow from its head.

Japanese photographer Riku snapped a series of amusing images depicting a Siberian tiger getting snow dumped on its head.

Tiger With Snow on Its HeadTiger With Snow on Its Head

Once it has realized what happened,  the tiger has a look of “I can't believe this just happened.”

Tiger With Snow on Its Head

But the look of defeat only lasted for a second:

Tiger With Snow on Its HeadRiku: Instagram | Twitter

My Modern Met granted permission to feature photos by Riku.

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READ: Photographer Captures the Perfect Moment When a Bunch of Snow Falls on a Tiger’s Head

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