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Rainbow Hair Coloring Transforms Ordinary Locks Into Shimmering Prism Coifs

Rainbow Hair Coloring Transforms Ordinary Locks Into Shimmering Prism Coifs

Rainbow Hair

Throughout the years, hair has become an unexpected canvas for beautiful art. From awe-inspiring braids to vibrant coloring, it’s incredible what hairstylists are able to achieve. Adding to our wonder is Ksenia Kisavna, a stylist and colorist who transforms otherwise ordinary locks into rainbow coifs that radiate the likes of blue, green, and pink hues. When she's done, her clients have a work of art on their heads.

Kisavna began her foray into coloring in 2017 when the trend of highlighter-cloaked hair exploded in popularity. Since that time, the self-taught stylist has honed her skills—first on friends and family, and now on an array of folks eager to express themselves through their hair. Kisavna keeps her work feeling fresh by looking beyond industry trends and turning to nature for wow-worthy color combinations.

In the case of her rainbow hair, Kisavna has found inspiration in the way light will reflect into a space and project tiny rainbows indoors. The feeling of fleeting color is translated onto the locks; as the hair moves with the wind, it’s reminiscent of how quickly light from prisms can move, too.

Scroll down to see Kisavna’s colorful hair art.

Hairstylist and colorist Ksenia Kisavna transforms otherwise ordinary locks into stunning rainbow coifs.

Multicolored Hair StyleRainbow HairRainbow HairRainbow HairRainbow HairRainbow HairRainbow HairRainbow HairUnconventional Hair ColoringMulticolored Hair StyleMulticolored Hair StyleRainbow HairMulticolored Hair StyleMulticolored Hair StyleMulticolored Hair StyleMulticolored Hair StyleMulticolored Hair StyleKsenia Kisavna: Instagram
h/t: [Brightside]

All images via Ksenia Kisavna.

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READ: Rainbow Hair Coloring Transforms Ordinary Locks Into Shimmering Prism Coifs

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